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- Stories from the LAB
- LL Experiment 1 - Going well in Lehe
- LL Experiment 2 - Local Bread for Local Kids
- LL Experiment 3 - Scavenger Hunt
- LL Experiment 4 - Reducing food waste in daycare centres
- LL Experiment 5 - citizen science “Lemon of the North”
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LL Experiment 2 - Local Bread for Local Kids
Important outcome:
✔️ Locally available bread mixture with local ingredients
✔️ Increaseded fundamental awareness among young people of the possibilities of regional cooking and the associated influence on the local economy
🚀 Development of business model and further cooperation
🚩 Presentation at a major tourism event ✈️🌍 | LinkedIn Post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7133050095826014208/
🚩 Presentation at the scientific conference for bakery technology in Detmold🍞🥐🥖🥨: Speech on regional wheat production and the co-creative product development of the bread baking mix | LinkedIn Post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/linda-b%C3%B6hm-0525b07b_atlantichotelsailcity-bremerhaven-graesnunterwegs-activity-7133385224008146944-lPYG?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
🚩 Presentation of the bread mix to the politician Dr Olaf Joachim, State Councillor from Bremen (Plenipotentiary of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen to the Federal Government and for Europe):
🤝 | LinkedIn Post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/linda-b%C3%B6hm-0525b07b_beeindruckende-eu-gef%C3%B6rderte-projekte-in-activity-7229784491060285440-143n?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
✍️ |Press release: https://www.senatspressestelle.bremen.de/pressemitteilungen/beeindruckende-eu-gefoerderte-projekte-in-bremerhaven-451417
🚩 Article in the ttz Newsletter: https://ttz-bremerhaven.de/articles/cities2030-projekt-entwickelt-brotbackmischung-local-bread-for-local-kids/