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  • The Innovation Pattern is applied to collect Lab progress, according to the following Figure:



    Below we show the current status of completion of Cities2030 KPIs:

    Action Executed
    Kick-off meeting 22
    Reflection sessions 34
    CRFS Living Lab Clinic 12
    Wrap Up - Understand CRFS - Month 19 5
    Wrap Up - Analyze the Challenge - Month M24 3
    Innovation Facilitators’ training 18
    System Thinking Workhops 10
    EIP interviewss and assessment 16
    T5.2/T5.3 co-op 83

    These two graphs represent the type of events generated so far (Updated September 2023):














    In this last part of the KPI monitoring framework we specify the type of innovation actions carried out for each of the pilots. Subsequently, the living lab results are presented and finally the maturity level and status of the innovation actions.

    image.png results.png












    status of the innovation action.png



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