- Welcome page
- CRFS Development
- Policy LAB
- Policy: Policy Action Plan
- Living: Innovation action plan
- Stories from the LAB
- LL Experiment 1 - Going well in Lehe
- LL Experiment 2 - Local Bread for Local Kids
- LL Experiment 3 - Scavenger Hunt
- LL Experiment 4 - Reducing food waste in daycare centres
- LL Experiment 5 - citizen science “Lemon of the North”
- Innovation frameworks
- Members
- Access history
- Lab Festival

LL Experiment 1 - Going well in Lehe
Important outcome:
✔️ Various Workshops in 2022 and 2023: Urban herb walk, planting campaign, etc....
↪️ We tried out a few ideas here. From this we developed the "Lemon of the north" LL experiment No. 5
Dissemination 😀📢
✔️PodCast From the dyke into your ear: "The Lemon of the north- the potato/Enjoyment squared"
Interview with Corinna Brand (P15) and Linda Bömm (P16) about: What is the secret of the potatoe? Why do we call it the lemon of the north and what do the Food Council and CITIES2030 have to do with the potatoe?
Genuss hoch zwei • Logbuch Bremerhaven (logbuch-bremerhaven.de) (only german language)
For the impatient - start at minute 2:40
Network and cooperation 🤝🌐
We also supported the "Leher Pergolinchen" project with our activities. This project even won a regional prize: