- Welcome page
- CRFS Development
- Policy LAB
- Policy: Policy Action Plan
- Living: Innovation action plan
- Stories from the LAB
- LL Experiment 1 - Going well in Lehe
- LL Experiment 2 - Local Bread for Local Kids
- LL Experiment 3 - Scavenger Hunt
- LL Experiment 4 - Reducing food waste in daycare centres
- LL Experiment 5 - citizen science “Lemon of the North”
- Innovation frameworks
- Members
- Access history
- Lab Festival

CRFS Development
CRFS Introduction
The Bremerhaven CRFS Labs will be managed by the Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum [TTZ] (P15), Magistrat Bremerhaven [BRH] (P16) and Biozoon GmbH [BIOZ] (P17). With regard to the CRFS Labs Prototyping Toolkit.docx it can be defined, that both – a Policy and a Living Lab – will be developed.
In this project, the Department of Economics (P15) has the opportunity to strengthen Bremerhaven as a center of science in an interdisciplinary team and to support and communicate research in an innovative and socially relevant way. Further Biozoon (P17) will target the achievement of an improved food innovation capacity and nutrition related know-how, focusing among others in concepts addressing the specific requirements of elderly (e.g with mastication and swallowing problems). The TTZ (P16) also wants to provide modern technologies for small and medium-sized enterprises. To show the benefits of CRFS, new data for all three aspects of sustainability must also be collected. In food production, the ecological and social aspects must be considered and presented transparently. For this, techniques and systematics need to be learned.
Current development status of Bremerhaven CRFS Labs:
01/2022: We’re currently in the status of understanding the Bremerhaven CRFS
To understand and study the current state of the Bremerhaven CRFS, we:
- Studied the facts and numbers in Bremerhaven. Especially, for example, in terms of population development, average age of population groups, income differences, employment or unemployment, waste production, and many more. Based on these facts and figures and our own perception, we have been able to identify Bremerhaven's weak points, which we would like to focus on in particular
- Have found many stakeholders who represent similar interests and already have good contacts with decision-makers (the input into the corresponding Excel and Jotform are in progress)
- Identified associations and societies that have similar interests as us with cities2030. We are in the process of working more closely with them so that both sides can learn from each other.
- Will continue to collect data on an ongoing basis in order to always be optimally informed about existing framework conditions, obstacles, and other factors
CRFS Goals
In Bremerhaven, the food industry has traditionally been very important. In fish processing, Bremerhaven holds a top position nationwide; the large number and diversity of start-ups prove that the food industry is a highly innovative field of the future.
However, the topic of food goes far beyond the borders of our city. As a regional center, Bremerhaven has a large number of commuters from the region who work in Bremerhaven's food industry, shop here and use the city's leisure facilities. Especially with regard to future-proof and consumer-centered food supply systems, the Horizon 2020 project CITIES 2030 can contribute to creating short food supply chains between cities and regions in which consumers are also involved and encouraged to become actively engaged. The project also strengthens Bremerhaven as a science location, which is characterized by close cooperation between business, science and culture and whose special competence is the comprehensible communication of research to society via various innovative information formats and events.
In view of our study of the data of Bremerhaven and our personal feeling, we could identify a district, which, if you look at the socailien aspects, is very different from the other districts. Here we would like to support with nutrition education and other aspects. Furthermore, the income average in Bremerhaven is very low due to many unemployed people, etc., which is why we are interested in providing better information about regional and affordable food. our very different areas of expertise in nutrition education, technologies, management and many others, we hope to achieve the best possible results in this project.
The Bremerhaven CRFS Labs want to focus on:
- Support socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods and districts
- Networking to improve community catering (children (school) and/or hospital, elderly care)
- Increasing the supply of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, for example through the targeted cultivation of plants/herbs in urban gardening
- Improving the nutrition education of people
- Combating the nutritional poverty of children, the elderly and everyone who suffer from nutritional poverty
- Expand regional supply chains
Communication and dissemination plan
The communicaiton and dissemination plan of Bremerhaven CRFS lab is as follow:
2021 09 22 - Lecture at Lebensmittelforum | Lebensmittelforum Bremerhaven (lebensmittelforum-bremerhaven.de)
2021 xx xx - Internal Workshop to clarify the working groups for the Goete-LL (digital date? and present in quartier date)
2021 11 08 - 1th Workshop LivingLab Goethequartier
2022 02 02 - Workshop with regional Food Council
2022 03 18 - Workshop with WSL / stakeholder in our CRFS
2022 03 xx - 2nd Workshop LivingLab Goethequartier
In cooperation with WSL (a regional alliance to support the CRFS) we want to share the homepage in the future. Also, a shared use of the Facebook & Instagram account is possible.
We want to be visible on the BREMERHAVEN 2022 - Mission Now | B2B Events für Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung - takes place 3-5 may 2022 in Bremerhaven
In cooperation with WSL a citizen- and education-driven “innovation fair” is currently being structured.
In autumn 2022 for the European Sustainability Week, a pop-up store with further projects in Bremerhaven is to be organised.
External drivers and trends of change that may impact the future CRFS
Dimensions |
Drivers |
Trends |
Impacts |
Politics |
Russian-Ukraine War |
More and more increasing prices of energy, especially gas and petrol. Prices of imported food from the Ukraine (sunbloomoil, flour, etc.) |
Ever increasing cost of living, which puts enormous pressure on the middle working class |
Economy |
Inflation |
Prices increasing in all areas |
Food production processes are getting more expensive and people can afford less and less expensive food and thus also healthy food. Furthermore, more and more people have to give up eating out because they can no longer afford it due to inflation and so on. |
Cultural |
Migration |
Many people have fled from Ukraine and are now in Germany |
Due to the ever-increasing number of refugees, more help was needed for them in many places. Many volunteers have already agreed to help or donate goods, food, money or accommodation. |
Society |
Covid and social events |
Covid has changed the way many people spend time with people |
Many people go out to eat less, but rather order it at home |
Technology |
Shortage of raw materials in technology |
Shortage of goods in areas such as IT, computers, consoles, etc. |
The shortage of goods leads to artificially increased demand and thus ever higher prices in all areas |
Legal |
Many changes at the legal level |
There are many changes due to current events |
Due to these many changes, especially in the area of gastronomy, many people no longer feel like going out to eat somewhere, but prefer to cook themselves at home or order food to be delivered to their homes. |
Environment |
A more environmentally friendly way of life |
More and more people are following a vegan diet |
Due to the increasing number of vegans, the demand for vegan products is rising. |
Values |
Increased appreciation |
Many people appreciate affordable and healthy food more, because it is no longer a granted thing. |
For many people, eating healthy and at the same time affordable food has become an exception, which is why it is better valued |
Obstacles and vulnerabilities
Dimensions |
Vulnerabilities |
Countermeasures |
Obstacles |
Countermeasures |
Politics |
Inadequate political awareness of the role and importance of regional and local food systems for the well-being and security of the population and the development of the region and local communities. |
Formation of various initiatives to improve this awareness and thus also reduce political hurdles |
Lack of resources and too many political demands to be able to deal with the issue more. |
The initiatives try to inform more about the obstacles but at the same time also to create solutions. |
Economy |
There is no agriculture within Bremerhaven, which is why we have to resort to the surrounding area here. |
The initiatives try to bring urban gardening closer to the inhabitants of Bremerhaven. |
Many people do not want to get involved with the topic. |
The initiatives try to spread the topic in small steps, e.g. how you can plant potatoes even on a small balcony. Or how to make better use of school gardens. |
Cultural |
Little to no urban gardening in Bremerhaven |
The initiatives trying to find other opportunities for urban gardening within projects with students |
Too less number of gardens or balconies for urban gardening |
Within a local project with students, there was a “urban pergola” developed - a net with greens - which you can hang between the roof of two building and grow your plants |
Society |
Consumer choices determines consumer demand |
Bad choices in terms healthy or unhealthy food leads the companies to focus on selling unhealthy food |
Little to no education in terms of nutrition by Bremerhavens inhabitants |
Initiatives trying to enlarge the appreciation on healthy foods and nutrition education |
Technology |
Production practices - many production out of animal origin |
The fact that the areas surrounding Bremerhaven produce mostly food products with animal origin limits our regional food selection. Some initiatives are currently working on this problem |
Producers hesitating to produce new plant based products by the risk of the uncertainty in relation to buyers |
Initiatives currently trying to find solutions for the producers. This could be e.g. fixed purchase quantities from caterers |
Legal |
Difficult regulatory aspects |
Regulatory aspects need to be easier to change |
Even to change one regulatory aspect, there are so many regulatory aspects that make it almost impossible to change |
The initiatives aim to simplify the regulatory aspects by giving those responsible a better understanding of the issues. |
Environment |
Mostly products with animal origin |
See Technology |
See Technology |
See Technology |
Values |
Marketing very early to children and education |
Initiatives trying to improve the school system in terms of nutrition education |
Due to Bremerhavens poor inhabitants, many people have to focus on other things than healthy food |
Initiatives trying to help children in terms of nutrition, e.g. in community catering and lessons |