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(6) Policy lab: Action Plan

Policy Lab Action Plan: smart goals

The smart goals elaborated by the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab for the Policy Lab Action Plan - schematised in the figure below - are organised around different areas of intervention:

  • better governance (smart goal 1)
  • better regulation and funding (smart goal 2)
  • better involvement of the local context (smart goal 3)
  • better social and economic sustainable development (smart goal 4)


Slide_policy lab action plan smart goals.png


Vicenza CRFS

CRFS policy


Orti urbani (social gardens)

134 public areas for social gardens, divided into 3 main categories:

  • "gardens for the elderly over 65"
  • "family gardens"
  • "civic gardens" co-management with local NGOs
Main goals:
- prevent/reduce urban decay
- encourage socialisation
- strengthen social growth
- promote auto-production of organic food
- disseminate knowledge related to food culture

Promotion of a healthy diet in school

The school catering service managed directly by the Municipality is addressed at children attending municipal
nurseries, as well as municipal and state kindergartens
The service for the remaining schools is contracted through public procurement

The menu offered to children respects a varied and balanced diet, inspired by the principle of the "Mediterranean diet" (rich in cereals, fruit and vegetables) and tries to satisfy the expectations of young users with respect to the flavour, colour and volume of the dishes proposed.
Some of the key criteria are:
- use of organic products (between 80% and 100% depending on the type of food)
- use of certified products (dop - stg - igp- msc)
- seasonal menu
- traditional receipts

Veloce Logistic - Vicenza Eco-

Delivery of fruit, vegetables and food products to retailers, restaurants and bars within the ZTL and throughout the municipal area. The service is aimed at both companies and individuals

Public-private companies promoted by the Municipality of Vicenza in collaboration with local trade organisations.
The goods are delivered to the new VELOCE Eco-Logistics Center (Limited Traffic Zone) of the Historic Centre and the whole city of Vicenza. The task of the Center is to provide for the delivery and collection of goods using only environmentally friendly trucks, which do not produce any form of air pollution.

The VELOCE Eco-Logistics Center also has advanced information technologies that allow it to optimally manage the various steps of shipments: from receipt to delivery at destination The cutting edge of the service allows the courier to transmit the data of their shipments electronically and to check the status of the deliveries "directly via the web using a password"


Mercato ortofrutticolo” (fruit and vegetable market)
co-management with a local cooperative

Local farmers market (“Campagna amica”) in cooperation with a local trade organisation (Coldiretti)

Public centre for wholesale trade of fruit and vegetables open also to consumers in some time slots.
It includes an area dedicated to fisheries

- Area of over 300 metres allocated to direct sale only of products coming from regional territories (km0/from farm to fork)
- Area dedicated to events/initiatives aimed at fully expressing the value of Italian agriculture, highlighting its key role in protecting the environment, the territory, traditions and culture, health and safety

Education/awareness raising initiatives in schools Various programmes, also in collaboration with health authorities and local partners, to promote a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. This includes laboratories on nutrition

Project “Zero waste in school canteens” 

Project REBUS

Plastic free public events

A lunch box (unbreakable and washable) provided free of charge by the Municipality. The goal is to reduce the quantity of plastic plates and cutlery thrown in the school trash every day

To promote a circular food economy: first experiment focused on reusing food from city school canteens for the “Albergo cittadino” (public building temporarily used only for the night reception of residents who find themselves in situations of serious marginalisation)

Public guidelines to promote the use of compostable or biodegradable plates/glasses etc during public events


Food related public events

Emporio solidale Vicentino
co-management with Italian Red

Public multicultural events (e.g., festivals, show-cooking, laboratories, food-trucks...) to promote different food culture and traditions - with a specific focus on the ethnic groups living in the town - and to facilitate mutual understanding and collaboration

To directly support people/families in need. It looks like a ‘supermarket’ where they can freely choose according to their needs and tastes. This is an important feature compared to the current delivery of pre-packaged packages


The Lab narrative

CRFS status quo
In recent years Vicenza has launched numerous initiatives aimed at promoting a healthy diet and a sustainable food supply chain considering in particular the social, economic and environmental dimensions. A greater attention has been devoted to environmental protection, waste reduction and recycling, with a special focus on promoting a plastic-free city.
It has now become an active and reactive context, where there is a good level of public and private cooperation especially in the field of eco-logistic, waste, awareness raising and promotion of local food/producers.
The weakest point is represented by the fact that the initiatives are still fragmented, isolated, there is a lack of continuity, and the decision-making process could be quite difficult sometimes. What emerges is a limited awareness and knowledge about the role that food and food policies can play at a local/regional level; in turn, this impacts for example on the political will, on the level of commitment as well as on the capacity to enhance public-private cooperation. A better understanding of the good practices and initiatives developed in other cities, both at national and European level, is desirable so to support an open-mind approach and a greater availability to invest on the local CRFS
CRFS goals
The goals for Vicenza have been identified and elaborated considering a short/medium period of time and above all the contribution that the project Cities2030 can give to the city.
Accordingly, three main goals have been identified, which are more urgent and crucial to improve the local CRFS:
1. to systematise and enhance the ongoing initiatives and to bring them back into a unitary and coordinated vision
2. to promote political, socio-cultural and economic experimentation and innovation, so to further empower both the policy makers and the local community
3. to draft the local Food Policy so to have a programmatic document of reference to guide the change
CRFS strategy
The pilot has been designed to improve the opportunities and capacity to reach the goals defined in the framework of Cities2030. The strategy includes diverse and different main axis of intervention according to each goal:

1. to systematise and enhance the ongoing initiatives and to bring them back into a unitary and coordinated vision
- to define and implement a new, multi-level and multi-stakeholders’ organisational model so to facilitate the exchange of information and experiences, and a more
coordinated approach
- to promote a greater visibility and a better communication of the initiatives already in place and to fill the existing knowledge gap, thus promoting awareness and
participation by the local stakeholders

2. to promote political, socio-cultural and economic experimentation and innovation, so to further empower both the policy makers and the local community
- to sign the MUFPP so to become part of a wide network of cities and have the possibility to learn from them and to collaborate with them
- to bring new knowledge at a local level, so to empower the local authorities as well as the local actors, so that they will more easily find a common ground for
collaboration in a coordinated vision
- to focus on the four thematic priorities elaborated as a result of the policy landscape assessment and considering the peculiarities of the local framework. The four
thematic priorities are as follows: 1) Nutrition, sustainability and health: the female perspective and contribution 2) Growing healthy: lifelong nutrition education 3)
Sustainable food supply chain in urban areas 4) Food and sustainability between ethics, legality and transparency
- To implement a close cooperation between the policy labs and the living labs in the framework of Cities2030 and more in general with the initiatives/events taking
place at urban and peri-urban level

3. to draft the local Food Policy so to have a programmatic document of reference to guide the change
- to consider and propose the Food Policy of Vicenza as a structural and shared project, so to foster discussion and collaboration between all stakeholders (including
- to focus on priorities and actions that could be sustainable in the medium-long term and with the highest participation by the local community/stakeholders


Vision definition

Describe the CRFS context
The CRFS context of Vicenza can be described as “in progress”, meaning that there is already a good baseline (e.g., awareness, actions, public-private collaboration...), but there is a need for a change that could lead to a tailored and pioneering food system strategy.
The key characteristics are as follows:
- great food culture, including respect for traditions and capacity to innovate
- proven experience in environment protection, with specific regards to waste management and eco-logistic
- consolidated good practices in the management of school canteens and health-related educative programmes
- growing demand of local food by citizens
- increasing number of initiatives dedicated to food waste reduction, healthy nutrition, and lifestyle...
Formulate the CRFS vision

Vicenza wants to design and implement a “food-for-all” approach to guarantee better nutrition, greater health, wider social inclusion and economic development through food related policies whose ultimate aim is to protect the environment and reduce the possible risks posed by pollution and climate change.

Vicenza has the ambition to become a “food hub”, namely the point of reference for innovative, pioneering, sustainable and resilient ideas to progressively improve the urban and regional food system according to the real needs, the emerging priorities and the stakeholder’s expectations.
The intent is to develop a regenerative food system where the environment, the local communities and economy could prosper in a harmonious way.



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