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(10) Stories from the lab: main events (2024) (3)

2024.07.25 - Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab at the Silent Book Club

In the occasion of the Silent Book Club organised by the Municipality of Vicenza and the Biblioteca Bertoliana, where people shared an hour of reading, in silence, outdoors (in the beautiful context of Parco Querini), the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab organised a convivial moment, where people could exchange reading advice, but also taste local products in the spirit of conscious, healthy and sustainable food choices. The event involved more than 120 people, of all ages (also children!), who decided to swith off the phone for a couple of hours, read a book, but also ask questions about how to increase their capacity to reduce food waste and choose fresh, local and sustainable products!

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2024.08.03/04 - Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab at the Junior Chef Academy

The Junior Chef Academy is an important event organized in the city centre of Vicenza by Il Mondo di Bu, a cooking school for children and teenagers, in collaboration with the Municipality of Vicenza and trade association Confcommercio. The children become ‘chefs’ and are involved in a journey through the flavours of the territory, living unforgettable experiences in the historic buildings of the city. In the 2024 edition, the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab supported the initiative and collaborated with the organizers to enhance the capacity to develop ideas and initiatives reinforcing the relationship between food (and the fight against food waste), health, education and sustainable tourism. To conclude the event in style, the "Gentlemen at the table" dinner was held on Sunday evening, on the terrace of the Palladian Basilica. A special menu was created with the involvement of local farmers and companies in the agri-food sector; the children were once again the protagonists of the evening, serving dinner to the guests and also experimenting with the service activity in the dining room.

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2024.09.11 - Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab meets Anna Prandoni, author of "Il senso buono" (book presentation)

The wirter and gastronomist Anna Prandoni talked with Margherita Grotto (journalist) and focused on the need to change the approach towards the main food related themes. The discussion addressed the need to avoid extremism and on the numerous examples in the agrifood and nutrition sectors which confirm the importance of bringing the major themes of the debate back to the civil responsibility of 'common sense'. Between modernity and tradition, between extreme biodynamics and intensive agriculture, between hyper-creative cuisine and obsessive recovery of fermentation traditions, between natural and conventional wine, between vegans at all costs who eat intensively produced quinoa and carnivores who eat only Chianina, factions clash and the truth drifts further and further away. Because even the most ethical partisan will try at all costs to convince us of the validity of his thesis, and will strenuously oppose other truths, those advocated by the opposing gastronomic, climatic and oenological faction...

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2024.09 - "Tasty books"

Reading suggestions on food developed by the Bertoliana Library of Vicenza in collaboration with the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab. The books presented by the authors in Vicenza have been included among the reading recommendations! 

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On September 21, 2024, La Vigna organized a closing seminar for Cities2030, celebrating Venetian cuisine and highlighting La Vigna's role as a true living lab that brings together the diverse range of stakeholders involved. The event underscored La Vigna's success in creating an inclusive space that fosters collaboration and innovation across various sectors, embodying the project's spirit of community and shared commitment to sustainable food practices.

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