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(10) Stories from the lab: main events (2024)

2024.01.28 - "Possiamo ridurre lo spreco alimentare?" (can we reduce food waste?) - Public seminar in the context of the Domenica di formazione ecologica (Sunday for Ecological training) dedicated to food waste

A public seminar organised in the context of a Sunday dedicated to ecological training to discuss about food waste and how to fight back against it. The presence of representatives from the Large-Scale Retail Trade helped understanding the difficulties posed by the actual regulatory framework and the existing loopholes that should be addressed in order to facilitate the redistribution of food.

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2024 - January to May - Exploitation initiatives - Sustainable ethnic dinners 

The sustainable ethnic dinner format developed and implemented by the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab was further replicated by one of the restaurants already involved to organise 3 more dinners (Indian, Moroccan and Lebanese – 2024 01 26 – 2024 02 23 – 2024 05 17) with the same migrant women who cooked in the past events. The three events were all sold out!


2024.04.21 - "Food blogging: raccontare il territorio attraverso il cibo" (Food blogging: describing a territory through food)”

Two local food bloggers - Lidia Mattiazzi e Monica Bellin  - who have a dynamic and numerous community on social media, were invited to share their experience, with the moderation of the president of the national association of food bloggers and expert in the history of gastronomy, Anna Maria Pellegrino. These bloggers are also in the Veneto creators team managed by the Veneto Region, which is committed to promote the territory and one of the thematic line is food and food culture. It was an occasion to talk about short supply chain, food identity and sovereignty but also about conscious food consumption and health, since one of them is celiac and she is very active in increasing awareness and knowledge about natural gluten free food. It was a public event, organised in the context of the the initiative “Domenica di formazione ecologica” (one Sunday per month, from September to May, the Municipalities of the Veneto Region organise awareness raising initiatives about ecology related issues), during the "Mercato della Terra", the farmers' market organised by Slow Food.

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2024.05.06 - "Non buttarlo!" - Alessio Cicchini - aka @rucoolaaa - talks with Margherita Grotto and tells, through ingenious recipes and discussion with the public, how food should never be wasted and thrown away because it offers a thousand solutions for eating in a healthy, tasty and sustainable way

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