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The second experiment

Culinary upgrades in public service centres

This experiment is based on the first challenge; the food system is able to give every citizen easily access to food according to their needs & culture.

We hope to achieve two objectives:
People eating together, out of their home, in a social environment would contribute to our first CRFS vision; All inhabitants & residents are welcome and approached in an open and inclusive way.

It addresses the second Cities2030 key objective: Stop food poverty and insecurity. It covers thematics like consumption, livelihood, inclusion & equity.

Before helping senior citizens with home delivered meals, we want to promote the clients to come and have their lunch together. So attractiveness is key.

We want to optimise and elaborate the offer of meals in these centres. As a consequence of the chosen cooksystem, we are facing the limitation of that system that has an impact on the attractiveness of these centres.


From the meetings with our target group, we understood that elderly people have access to a variety of food, but they miss out on the more ‘culinary’ experience because the meals are kept warm for delivery or are reheated in the microwave. Food that is served immediately after it’s cooked like a steak or freshly baked fish would be an added value to their experience.



The aim of this experiment is to organise ‘culinary variety meal upgrades on the spot’ in public service centres on certain days so the attractiveness to come having lunch increases.


We want to increase the number of senior people coming to the public service centre to take their lunch
We will promote the experiment within the target group home delivered meals so they are motivated to come out of their house.


We will question the current participants to measure the satisfaction index about the meals before and after the experiment with the target of 80%.
We want to realise an increase of 30% of participants of which 10% are coming from the home delivered system. The other 20% increase are new visitors.
We will question the newcomers about the reason why and their satisfaction

Target groups:
Seniors living in the neighbourhood
Clients of the home delivered meals in the neighbourhood


Main concepts & hypothesis:

The concept is cooking on the spot for specific meal components that are not able to be prepared in the current production and regeneration process because of the insufficient quality. 
The addition of these components cooked on the spot will increase the offer and thus the attractiveness to come to take lunch there.


Operational execution of the concept while measuring before and after the sessions on defined KPI to evaluate if the targets are reached.


Implementation plan

Tasks                                                                            outcome    Who               Organisation
Analyse the different public service centres    Insights of qualitative and quantitative criteria                                                                                                            LA             Ruddersstove
Making a selection of service centres                  Selected centres LA & SDC           Ruddersstove
                                                                                                                                                 & Mintus
Inform the local responsable peopleinvolve the staff of the selected centres    La & SDC    Ruddersstove & Mintus
Explain the concept to involved people                  Presentation                LA    Ruddersstove
Making a handbook of procedures                  Handbook               LA    Ruddersstove
Making a questionnaire                                            Questionnaire               LA & FT     Ruddersstove
Training the local staff and cooks                  Trained staff             GVO & ID    Ruddersstove
Analyse the menus in order to upgrade them    Selected menu               ID    Ruddersstove
Setting up a agenda for intervention/ execution    Appointments           ID & SDC      Ruddersstove 
                                                                                                                                                  & Mintus
Making a D&C plan to reach the target group    D&C materials               AF    Ruddersstove 
                                                                             D&C plan               AF    Ruddersstove 
Managing the execution the experiments    The happening               ID            Ruddersstove


Resources, person months, other costs

Resources            Quantity
Food & beverage        €
Intervention of cooks        Hours
Support of waiters        Hours
Operational management    Hours
Logistic resources        €
Budget for D&C materials    €


No investments are needed

Which questions need answers? 

How many participants before and after intervention
Qualitative questionnaire to determine satisfaction index before after intervention


What is monitored? 
Numbers of participants
Satisfaction with the intervention


How is it monitored?
By counting
Interviews for the questionnaire


What is data? 
Number of participants
Score of satisfaction index

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