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(7) PassaVIvande: participatory process for the local Food Policy


Borrowing the name from the famous serving hatch (in Italian "passavivande") designed by Carlo Scarpa at Palazzo Brusarosco Zaccaria (historical location of the International Library "La Vigna"), "PassaVIvande" is the title of a two-days public consultation and partecipatory event dedicated to food and city policies organised by the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab in April 2023.


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The aim was to discuss and collect the most relevant "recipes" to improve the urban food system and start designing the next Vicenza Food Policy, but also explicit and enhance creativity and ability to put them in a more effective relationship with Cities2030 Project and with local authorities. 

With support of Està, the Open Space Technology (OST) was used to manage the collaborative sessions. OST is a participatory methodology used around the world to facilitate public consultation of large and heterogeneous groups around complex themes. It is based on the valorization of the freedom and responsibility of the participants, who are called to co-create the work agenda based on their own priorities.

With the active participation of about 80 people per day, PassaVIvande demonstrated that food related issues are very important for citizens and local stakeholders. Finally, they discussed on focused on 4 main proposal for the city and the next urban Food Policy of Vicenza:


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The description of the "4 receipts" for Vicenza is available here: Cities2030 Action planning_proposte cittadini PassaVIvande (Inglese)_compressed.pdf 


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