Lab activities
Relevant activities within the living lab:
Introduction of doggy bags in the restaurants of Haarlem: a relatively unknown phenomenon in The Netherlands, the doggy bag is a good way to prevent food waste and create awareness. This project is a cooperation with local restaurants and the NGO “Haarlem Food Future”. The campaign created (national) media attention and the doggy bag has become a successful feature in Haarlem restaurants.
Rescued Food Broker: a project to ‘rescue’ food from supermarkets that is too close to its ‘sell by’ date to be sold, but is still perfectly suitable for consumption and distribute it to those who need it. Cooking for the elderly, creating special dinner occasions and stimulate people sharing their meal time together. Aim is to reduce food waste and increase social cohesion. Co creation with supermarkets, neighborhood organizations and NGO’s.
Leader Group Restaurants: Core of the living lab. A group of 23 restaurants, including 3 with a Michelin star, committed to the cause of creating a sustainable food system in Haarlem. Initiated, co-created and coordinated by the city of Haarlem and co-financed by the province of Noord Holland and the national ministry of Infrastructure. Both entities are closely involved in the process and not just financiers. Goals of this living lab include creating a green menu that contributes to the protein transition, increasing the use of renewable energy and dealing with waste disposal problems and waste separation issues. Especially the waste disposal and separation issues are interesting in terms of policy development. The NGO “Haarlem Food Future” functions as a link to the citizens of Haarlem to make sure that the developments are shared broadly in their network in the city.