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Policy: Policy Action Plan

Resources & Context

Stakeholder name Expertise/skills Link to CRFS theme
HaarlemFoodFuture Coordination and management partner of livinglab members  
ORO Wolkorrel

LivingLab , Waste and processing. The hypothesis and assumption is that woolgrain can be used on a

larger scale in urban agriculture.

waste, ecosystem services, production
De Plukweide

LivingLab, The hypothesis and assumption is that this compost ensures better soil quality and more

production of flowers and biodiversity.

Waste, Ecosystem Services, production ( flowers for
Het WIlde Oogsten LivingLab, Contributes to 'Protect and preserve natural resources' and 'Enhance circularity and local
food belts'. : The hypothesis and assumption is that this compost ensures better soil quality and more
production of vegetables and biodiversity.
Waste, Ecosystem Services, Production.
Wij Telen Groenten /
De Herkomst
LivingLab Contributes to 'Proct and preserve natural resources' and 'Enhance circularity and local food
belts'. The hypothesis and assumption is that this compost ensures better soil quality and more
production of vegetables and biodiversity.
Waste, Ecosystem Services, Production
FoodLab LivingLab, Contributes to Secure healthy and sustainable food and develop food culture and skills. inclusion, equity and consumption
Orbisk Technology Foodwaste Prevention


Haarlem Vision

Policy landscape
Aim: Identify policy gap

CRFS policy Description
Circular City policy. Stimulate urban
By 2030, 50% of the companies in Haarlem will have become familiar with a circular food system due to the programs of the municipality.In
addition, by 2030 every neighborhood will have some form of urban agriculture/vertical Agriculture. Local food cooperatives are activated and 50%
of Haarlem residents are familiar with these cooperatives, including core campaigns of the municipality. In each district, residents have developed
bottom up initiatives, supported by the municipality. Through campaigns and plant-based menu/activities, and organic food is stimulated and
encouraged for all groups in society.
Circular City Haarlem See above
Zero Emission zone
Shared distribution hub/transport
Setting up zero emission zones is part of the urban planning
Shared distribution enables this and is already being used
Circular local procurement catering
Advertisement meat from bioindustry
City policy on procurement (goal 50% in 2025). Advertisement ban is outcome from discussion in council on advertisement ban on climate changing
practices, ban is in public space.
Circular / local procurement
sustainable food
The city procures circular, healthy and has a plan for plant based protein.
Stimulate food waste prevention
Stimulate food waste prevention with different projects (Orbisk, and another more awareness campaign)
National law on food security (NVWA) National law

Natuurwet, law to protect status quo

Local policy (ecologisch plan), stimulating biodiversity by inclusive spatial planning

Omgevingsvisie City uses different tools to enhance the livelihood in the city. Is always a mixture of spatial planning, maintaining the public space and social projects.
In Haarlem we take care of the people
who have difficulties to live an
sustainable live
Now mainly on energy, we want t investigate on ways to stimulate and have access to healthy and sustainable food


Identify the policy gap
The biggest gap is on Inclusion. Policy and action on this theme are still in development and not in policy and action.


CRFS landscape
Aim: create a snapshot of the CRFS characteristics


Key characteristic of the CRFS
Food production
In Haarlem there is mainly small scale production of food.. Haarlem is a dense city with a little space for food The available production is mainly characterised by local citizens producing
organic food for their own use.
Food processing/distribution
In Haarlem there are a few companies which process food on a large scale. These business act individually and do not have their roots more connected with other food activity in the city.
Because of the central position there are some wholesalers which deliver food to mainly the local restaurants and bigger kitchens
Food marketing, catering, retail
Haarlem has an active community (festivals, small restaurants, dining) that’s why there is a large and big diversity on companies who are active in marketing, catering and retail of food
Food consumption
We believe that in Haarlem there is an above average interest in organic and or vegetarian food.
Organic production of food in dense city areas can enhance the ecosystem. At the plukweide there has been research on this.
Places where it is visual for everybody that food is being grown can increase the livelihood of an area. Also production of healthy food nearby in the neighborhood can give easier acces to
this food.
Access to healthy food is an issue in areas / for people with lower incomes. This is very topical at this moment with the energy crisis going on.


Strategy development
Aim: define a lab narrative


CRFS status quo
In Haarlem there are multiple actors on producing and processing local food. Producing is on small scale, urban agriculture. Between these smaller actors there is knowledge exchange and
some cooperation on certain areas. (marketing, catering, retail))Some big foodprocessing company act more or less solitary on a businesspark. On the part of consumption there are a few
targetgroups to be observed. One group is aware of the benefits of healthy organic food and do buy this. Another part is aware but does not always make healthy, sustainable choices
because of budget or other issues. Then there is a group of people who are maybe not aware and do not have the means to choose and buy healthy food. So there is possible a issue on
inclusion. Most people believe that local urban agriculture gives a boost to ecosystem and quality of the livelihood in urban areas. We do not see much activity awareness on food waste
and security in the city. It could be that food security is more an issue for producers.
CRFS goals
Haarlem believes that all citizens should have access to healthy sustainable food.
CRFS strategy
To intensify on the themes who came up as a gap and /or are only have little attention


Vision definition
Aim: Translate the CRFS strategy and context assessment into a pilot vision

Describe the CRFS context
Haarlem needs capacity and resources to promote the circular food system. In the new coalition agreement (policy of the municipality) resources have been made available up to and
including 2026. Through the policy 'Roadmap Sustainability', the budget and capacity will grow in the coming years to realize a circular food system. In addition, Haarlem works closely with
the region.
Formulate the CRFS vision
Haarlem aims to be circular by 2040. In the Sustainability Roadmap (Chapter 8, Chain Responsibility) Haarlem has set targets that are at least necessary for this purpose until 2040. By 2030,
Haarlem wants to have reached 50 % off the habitants with information about more, local, organic food.
By 2030, 50% of the companies in Haarlem will have become familiar with a circular food system due to the programs of the municipality.In addition, by 2030 every neighbourhood will
have some form of urban agriculture/vertical Agriculture. Local food cooperatives are activated and 50% of Haarlem residents are familiar with these cooperatives, including core
campaigns of the municipality. In each district, residents have developed bottom up initiatives, supported by the municipality. Through campaigns and plant-based menu/activities, and
organic food is stimulated and encouraged for all groups in society.


Haarlem Pathway to Action
Aim: Execute the SWOT analysis

Direct contact with stakeholders and concrete projects. ( visible). A good network, involved stakeholders.
Data, we ask partners to monitor their projects, but its all basic and although we collect this information through a evaluation form its all collected in a different scale and scope.
scale up , more communication and a campagne for a sustainable food system which makes our partners in Cities 2030 more visible. More focus on inclusion, to make sustainable food
accessible for everyone.
We work on a circular economy in general. Food is one of our scopes but not the only one. It’s a challenge to give this topic the attention it needs sometimes. We can also not force
anybody to eat sustainable. We can stimulate, enthuse and collaborate to stimulate sustainable food.


SMART goals
Aim: Define SMART pilot goals

Goal S
Prevent and
reduce food

Pilot Orbisk - with five restaurants from the
frontrunner group of Sept / Nov 2022, their food
waste was measured using a software monitor -
Orbisk is responsible - Restaurants Haarlem involved.

Haarlem Food Future and Rabobank are starting a
Food Waste Challenge where restaurants put on their
food waste. After a baseline measurement in which
the food waste of a week is measured, it is
determined where most profit can be made. Then,
with the help of the Waste watchers’ restaurants will
work to reduce food waste. After the challenge, food
waste is measured again. In Brabant, more than 54%
less food was waste. Haarlem Food Future and the
Waste Watchers are responsible. Involved:
restaurants Leader group Restaurants.

Orbisk will monitor all
the data and give a
presentation at the
5th of December. They
weigh all the food
waste and take
pictures of it. By using
AI it is recognized
what kind of food is
thrown away.

Waste Watchers will
monitor all the data
given by the
restaurants. They are
coached to weigh all
their food waste and
monitor the results.

The solution doesn’t
seem to fit at all the
horeca places
(physical). It’s not
suitable (yet) for
smaller restaurants.
Orbisk will develop
new software and
tries to exclude the


Not many
restaurants are
willing to
participate at this
moment. ( not
enough staff and a
difficult time in
general) - we have 8

More food waste than
expected by the
restaurants. Insights in
the products that
become food waste.
This is important for
behaviour change
The pilot runs
three months -
sept 2022 - dec
sustainable and
healthy food

Ground 8 is conducting short research into support
for a Cooperative Food Hall: a place where a group of
people (1000) buy local and sustainable food and are
also co-owners. (preferably in Schalkwijk).Aim:
research into support for a Cooperative Food Hall. It
is assumed that there is sufficient support.
Contributes to Secure Healthy and sustainable food,
develop food culture and skills. Working groups:
consumption, ecosystem services and inclusion, equity.Experiment started in


Foodlab uses the 'Train the trainer' program to train
neighbours with a passion for cooking to give children
sustainable and healthy cooking classes in their own
neighbourhood. The aim is for more children to have
access to sustainable and healthy food and to
develop an affinity with it. The
assumption/hypothesis is that this training program
works like an oil slick and that more and more people
will participate. Contributes to Secure healthy and
sustainable food and develop food culture and
skills.Working Group:inclusion, equity and


A between and after
evaluation. Number of


Number of
participants and
lessons given. A in
between and after
evaluation form will
monitor all the steps in
this project.

Difficult to get
participants, new
way of thinking
about food.


No findings yet.

Insights in how to start
new ways of consuming
food. research into how
you get support for a
Cooperative Food Hall.

Hypothesis is that this
training program works
like an oil slick and that
more and more people
will participate.
The aim is for more
children to have access
to sustainable and
healthy food and to
develop an affinity with

August 2022
and ends in
February 2023.


started in
August 2022
and ends in
February 2023.


livelihood and

through urban
farming initiatives.

‘ Wij telen groente’ (We grow vegetables) and farm
‘De Herkomst’ (The Origin) puts pigs for natural
grazing. The pigs are ultimately slaughtered and
consumed locally, for example by the leading group
Circular Restaurants. In Cities 2030, it will be
investigated whether pigs can be used for natural
grazing in more places in Haarlem. The aim is to
stimulate biodiversity on land/fertile soil. Contributes
to 'Proct and preserve natural resources' and
'Enhance circularity and local food belts'. Working
Groups: Waste, Ecosystem Services, Production. The
hypothesis and assumption is that this compost
ensures better soil quality and more production of
vegetables and biodiversity. It is also assumed that
residual flows from other stakeholders can be used

The ‘Wilde Oogsten (Wild Harvest) is investigating
how biodiversity can be increased by means of
vegetable garden techniques (regenerative
agriculture) and cooperation with livestock farming
(for natural grazing and tillage of the land). This soil is
more resistant to drought or heavy rainfall. The aim is
to stimulate biodiversity on land/fertile soil.
Contributes to 'Protect and preserve natural
resources' and 'Enhance circularity and local food
belts'. Working Groups: Waste, Ecosystem Services,
Production. The hypothesis and assumption is that this compost ensures better soil quality and more
production of vegetables and biodiversity. It is also
assumed that residual flows from other stakeholders
can be used usefully. Experiment started in May 2022
and will end in November 2022.


De Plukweide (Picking flower garden) grows oyster
mushrooms on wood chips (residual material) from
the Maak site as a basis for compost. In addition, they
are conducting tests for an even more fertile
compost with worms and food leftovers in Bokashi
containers. The aim is to stimulate biodiversity on
land/fertile soil. Contributes to 'Protect and preserve
natural resources' and 'Enhance circularity and local
food belts'. Working Groups: Waste, Ecosystem
Services, production ( flowers for honey..). to good


Oro Wolkorrel (Oro wool) granules make plant food
granules from wool for which there is no other
destination. In Cities 2030, Oro is exploring
opportunities for scaling up. The aim is for the
residual wool product to be used on a much larger
scale as plant food. Contributes to 'protect and
preserve natural resources'. Working groups: Waste
and processing. The hypothesis and assumption is
that grain can be used on a larger scale in urban

A in between and after
evaluation form will
monitor all the steps in
this project in which
they compare the
different methods and
added value for their


A in between and after
evaluation form will
monitor all the steps in
this project in which
they compare the
different methods and
added value for their


They also keep up a
logbook in which they describe all their steps,
results and challenges


A in between and after
evaluation form will
monitor all the steps in
this project in which
they compare the
different methods and
added value for their


A in between and after
evaluation form will
monitor all the steps in
this project.

Difficult to involve
neighbourhood and
the people who
deliver the residual
flows which they
work with. Difficult
to find more places
where the pigs can
be used


Difficult to combine
especially with
animals who need
other care than
plants 🙂


Difficult to involve
neighbourhood and
the people who
deliver the residual
flows which they
work with. They
work on a small
scale and
techniques are very
time consuming.


the investigation to
scale up is very

The hypothesis and
assumption is that this
compost ensures better
soil quality and more
production of
vegetables and
biodiversity. It is also
assumed that residual
flows from other
stakeholders can be
used usefully.


The hypothesis and
assumption is that this
compost ensures better
soil quality and more
production of flowers
and biodiversity. It is
also assumed that
residual flows from
other stakeholders can
be put on good use.

started in May
2022 and will
end in
November 2022.


starts in
October 2022
and ends in
March 2023.





(flowers for


waste and


Haarlem Action Plan

Execution plan
Aim: set out the execution of each task

SMART goal
Prevent/reduce food waste
SMART task Responsibility Timeframe Prioritization
Through an Orbisk pilot with five restaurants from the frontrunner group of Sept / Nov 2022, their food waste
was measured using a software monitor. Aim is to reduce food waste. Contributes to Secure Healthy and
sustainable food, develop food culture and skills. Working groups: consumption and waste.
ORBISK/Haarlem SEPT - DEC 2022 No
Haarlem Food Future and Rabobank are starting a Food Waste Challenge where restaurants put on their food
waste. After a baseline measurement, in which the food waste of a week is measured, it is determined where
the most profit can be made. Then, with the help of the Waste watchers, restaurants will work to reduce food
waste. After the challenge, food waste is measured again. In Brabant, more than 54% less food was wasted.
Aim is to reduce food waste. Contributes to Secure Healthy and sustainable food, develop food culture and
Working groups: consumption and waste.
HFF and Rabobank SEPT - DEC 2022 No
SMART goal
Promoting sustainable and healthy food choices
SMART task Responsibility Timeframe Prioritization
Ground 8 is conducting a short research into support for a Cooperative Food Hall: a place where a group of
people (1000) buy local and sustainable food and are also co-owners. (Preferably in Schalkwyk). Aim: research
into support for a Cooperative Food Hall. It is assumed that there is sufficient support. Contributes to Secure
Healthy and sustainable food, develop food culture and skills. Working groups: consumption, ecosystem
services and inclusion, equity. Experiment started in.
Ground 8 August 2022 and ends
in February 2023
Food lab uses the 'Train the trainer' program to train neighbours with a passion for cooking to give children
sustainable and healthy cooking classes in their own neighbourhood. The aim is for more children to have
access to sustainable and healthy food and to develop an affinity with it. The assumption/hypothesis is that
this training program works like an oil slick and that more and more people will participate. Contributes to
Foodlab Experiment started in
August 2022 and ends
in February 2023
SMART goal
Prevent/reduce food waste
SMART task Responsibility Timeframe Prioritization
Secure healthy and sustainable food and develop food culture and skills. Working Group:inclusion, equity and
SMART goal
Stimulating biodiversity through urban farming initiatives.
SMART task Responsibility Timeframe Prioritization
Wij telen groente’ (We grow vegetables) and farm ‘De Herkomst’ (The Origin) puts pigs for natural grazing. The
pigs are ultimately slaughtered and consumed locally, for example by the leading group Circular Restaurants.
In Cities 2030, it will be investigated whether pigs can be used for natural grazing in more places in Haarlem.
The aim is to stimulate biodiversity on land/fertile soil. Contributes to 'Protect and preserve natural resources'
and 'Enhance circularity and local food belts'. Working Groups: Waste, Ecosystem Services, Production. The
hypothesis and assumption is that this compost ensures better soil quality and more production of vegetables
and biodiversity. It is also assumed that residual flows from other stakeholders can be used usefully.
“Wij telen groente” and
“de herkomst”
Experiment started in
May 2022 and will
end in November

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